Profil Buku Indikator Negara Maju dalam Al-Qur'an I Download Gratis

International Conference On Quran As Foundation Of The Civilization 2019

February 02, 2019

Venue: Faculty of Quranic and Sunnah Studies, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia, Nilai, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia.
Date : 8-9 October 2019

Organizer: Faculty of Quranic and Sunnah Studies, Universiti Sains Islam (USIM) Malaysia

Important Dates
Abstract Deadline: 8 June 2019
Full Paper Deadline: 8 August 2019 
Camera-ready Paper Deadline: 8 September 2019

International Conference On Quran As Foundation Of The Civilization 2019 in USIM, Malaysia

Historically, the decline in the Quran has transformed the faith and beliefs of the Arabs and raised the nation’s dignity and inspires them not only excellence in the hereafter but also in the world. The progress of Muslims especially in the 4-8th century in the various fields of knowledge is evidence of such statements. The Noble Quran is not forbidden to be read solely, but to be understood and practiced. It not only contains ritual-shaped teachings but also contains sources of inspiration that can propel the transformation of a nation to a higher level that can prosper the nation according to the standards required by Allah SWT. Through this conference, it can gather scholars to discuss the issue and other issues related to the Quran, especially its function as a foundation of well-being and a trigger for the transformation of the civilized civilization. It is hoped that with this seminar, good ideas and useful findings can be generated and discussed in order to expose the greatness of the Qur’an as “rahmatan lil ‘alamin”.

Conference Theme

Main Theme:
"Al-Quran Rahmatan lil 'Alamin: Vision and Challenges"

Sub Themes
•    Reflecting Al-Quran as Rahmatan lil 'Alamin
•    The role of Quran as Rahmatan lil 'Alamin to Non-Muslims
•    Integration of the Quran with Modern Science
•    Maqasid Al-Quran
•    Science in the Quran and the Sunnah
•    Innovation in Quran learning
•    Application of Technology in Knowledge Development
•    Current Issues related to the Quran
•    Current Issues of Al-Quran Education
•    Tahfiz and Qiraat education
•    Contemporary Figures
•    The role of the Quran and NGO Institutions
•    Quranic arts and culture
•    Islamic manuscripts
•    Military, political, economic and social perspectives in the Quran
•    Medicine and health aspects according to the Quran

About Us
Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM) is an emerging Islamic university which is fully owned and funded by the Malaysian Government. Being the 12th Public Institution of Higher learning, it aims to spearhead knowledge and be the global reference centre for Islamic Science. USIM adopts a balanced approach between the physical and spiritual aspects, not only in the academic programmes offered, but is also widely practised throughout the university including administration and management levels. Against this backdrop, USIM embraces a holistic approach towards the delivery of knowledge, which unites revelational sciences (Naqli knowledge) and the rational sciences (Aqli knowledge). USIM thus offers a unique model to Islamic Higher Education setting it apart from other Islamic universities worldwide. The integration of religious sciences together with the social and physical sciences in all its programmes provides a comprehensive understanding of current global problems and offers a fresh alternative in solving them.
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