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The 8th Kuala Lumpur International Islamic Studies and Civilizations Conference 2019

February 02, 2019

Date :23 - 24 February 2019
Vanue : Bangi Resort Hotel, Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia

The breadth and diversity of research areas concerning Islamic Studies and Civilisations is a testimony of the importance of this discipline especially when it involves more than 1 billion of Muslim worldwide. In the wake of misunderstanding and misconception of Islam and Muslims that have become more common and extensive in these decades, it is vital for everyone to understand the true meaning Islam ad its noble teachings and that Muslim scholars have left their marks in various area of studies and civilisation that contribute to human development. 

The 8th Kuala Lumpur International Islamic Studies and Civilizations Conference 2019
The conference will bring together scholars and practitioners who are interested to present their papers in a diverse range of areas pertaining to Islamic Studies, Islamic Civilisation and other related fields. KLiISC provides a good forum for academic exchange in cross- cultural approach and beyond. Our main aim is to stimulate discussion, debate, informed dialogue and research on Islam, knowledge and civilisation relating to it. This opportunity could be used as a way to broaden international and educational networks and relationship. For details of research areas, please look at major field of research. All papers must be submitted online and are subject to blind-peer review of our committee. Rewards are provided for best papers and all presented papers will be published in a proceeding with ISBN. We will provide you a letter of acceptance or invitation letter for your visa application or financial sponsorship from your institution. Therefore, you are encouraged to submit your paper at the earliest time possible.

Theme "Islam and the Sustainable Development Goals"

Important Dates Abstract Deadline: 31 January 2019 
Abstract Acceptance Notification: 31 January 2019 
Full Paper Deadline: 31 January 2019 
Full Paper Acceptance Notification: 4 February 2019 
Camera-ready/Revised Paper Deadline: 7 February 2019 
Early Bird Deadline: 15 January 2019

Call for Papers

The conference organizer is cordially invites academics, practitioners, scholars, researchers, policy makers of any government to present their papers in KLiISC8. Papers should be submitted through online and will be blind reviewed by two reviewers. We are also welcome and highly encourage postgraduate students to present their research proposal or literature review or findings or issues in this conference with a very special registration fees. Papers may address, but not restricted to, the main theme from any of the following sub-themes. Unlisted but related sub-topics are also acceptable.

Islamic Studies and Civilizations
  • Contemporary Islam and the Question of Muslims/non-Muslim Relations
  • Diversity within Islam
  • Extremism and Terrorism
  • Fiqh Biah and Environmental Issues
  • Fiqhul Awlawiyyat
  • Globalization
  • Integration of Knowledge
  • Intellectual History
  • Interreligious Relations
  • Islam and Authenticity
  • Islam and Development
  • Islam and Science
  • Islam and Business Practice
  • Islam and Culture
  • Islam and Democracy
  • Islam and Education
  • Islam and Gender Relations
  • Islam and Higher Learning
  • Islam and Humanities
  • Islam and International Relations
  • Islam and Management
  • Islam and Natural Disaster
  • Islam and The Challenge of Pluralism
  • Islam in The Media
  • Islam; Arts, Sciences and Culture
  • Islam; History and Religion
  • Islam; Law and Politics
  • Islamic Alternative Dispute Resolution
  • Islamic Art and Architecture
  • Islamic Astronomy
  • Islamic Banking Law Comparison
  • Islamic Commerce
  • Islamic Economics and Finance
  • Islamic Ethics and Governance
  • Islamic Feminism, Gender and Sexuality Studies
  • Islamic Fiqh
  • Islamic Medicine
  • Islamic Muamalat and Islamic Finance
  • Islamic Social Enterprise
  • Islamic Human Rights
  • Maqasid Al Syariah
  • Medieval and Modern Studies
  • Muslim As Minority Group
  • Muslim Marriage and Family
  • Nutrition Biotechnology Issues
  • Philosophy and Islamic Civilization
  • Philosophy and Theology
  • Principle of Wasatiyyah
  • Qawaid Fiqhiyyah
  • Qur’anic Studies
  • Sociology of Islam
  • Sunnah Studies
  • Syariah Judicial System
  • Theory and Method in Islamic Studies
  • Women and Children in Islam
  • Other related topics

Paper Submission

ALL accepted papers will be published in CD proceeding (ISBN). 
Selected papers will be published in the ​ International Journal of Business, Economics and Law (IJBEL), ISSN: 2289-1552 or Journal of Education and Social Science (JESOC), ISSN: 2289-9855

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PKTQ Cirebon
@Pesantren Qur'an Anamfal 
Jl. Raya Pasawahan, Pasawahan, Susukan Lebak, Cirebon

PKTQ Jakarta
@Anamfal Jakarta, Jl. Bintaro Utama 9 No. 53  
Pondok Pucung, Kec. Pondok Aren, Tangerang Selatan 15229 (Belakang Lot 9 Cafe & Restaurant)

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